I Made a WordPress site…

Trying to realise a dream… but have no clue what I am doing!

Adeeb Yousaf
2 min readOct 28, 2021
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

So… I know I have said in previous posts that I was going to challenge myself to write for 30 days straight… but a few days in I stopped…

I know…I KNOW!! (Get those eyes of judgement away from me!).

I decided to focus my efforts on doing something that I have wanted to do for a long time, which is, start my own website.

I have always wanted to start my own website which would house my blog along with personal projects, and now that I haven’t got a job, I feel I am in the position of starting it and taking on all the projects I have always wanted to do!

I have no clue what I am doing…

It’s crazy when you get the opportunity to do something that you have been pining for, for a hell of a long time…

Hoping through the chaos will come some clarity

You’re like a kid in a candy store and immobilised like a writer with writer’s block at the same time. You literally think there are so many things you can do, and you are completely blank at the same time…

I am literally stumbling through each day as it comes. I am hoping through the chaos will come some clarity.

But I still need money to survive…

The fact that I need money to survive (especially living in central London), is something that is currently burning a hole in my brain! That means I must work fast and really push myself in ways that I have never done before.

I need to give my writing the attention it needs in order to improve. Like most things, I think side hustles and passions don’t always get the respect and attention they need to flourish. People will work 16 hour days and spend a whole life time working for a steady pay cheque.

Even though the work has it’s peaks and troughs the pay cheques usually stay the same. But we will work 3 hours on a side hustle a week and wonder why we aren’t further along.

So, what’s the plan…

Well at the moment the plan is to figure out the plan… Genius right?

I am going to use my little corner of the internet (my website if you weren’t following) write and document everything and anything I am interested in.

For lack of a better phrase (or maybe it is the perfect phrase… who knows…) I am going to throw shit at the wall until something sticks. Until one of my interests gains momentum and I really start pushing it with the content.

So watch this space!

Oh and the website is adeebyousaf.com

